General Information

    Are you an author or an organization?
    What is your name? What is your email? What do you write? In 3 to 5 words, what encouragement do you offer to your readers (rather than what services)? (This can be your tagline.)
    What if the organization’s name? What is an email to reach you? What topics does the organization address? In 3 to 5 words, what encouragement do you offer to your readers (rather than what services)? (This can be the tagline.)
    Do you have an upcoming/recent book release?


    A full website is the hub of any healthy digital platform where visitors come to learn about an author and their message. Do you have a website?
    We suggest that a dedicated site be built as the digital home for your writing. We refer to social media platforms as “rented digital space” because they can change their algorithms overnight. A website is “owned digital space.”
    What is your website domain? Are you using a custom domain (for instance, not “”)?
    A custom domain name provides a level of professionalism, as well as making it easier for readers to find the site.
    Domains usually cost between $11-$15 annually and provide a level of professionalism, as well as making it easier for readers to find the site.
    Does your domain name include your name? Is your domain name a .com? This is the most common type, and users will default to this. Do you also own domain name variations that redirect to your website? This may make it easier for readers to find you if they type in a variation of your domain name. Grade your author website on Nibbler. What is the overall score? What are the top three areas of success? What are the top three areas for improvement?Notice any suggestions that the tool offers.

    Website: Overview

    Do the homepage and the menu order make sense for a new user’s journey? We often recommend Home, About, Books, Blog, Speaking, and Contact pages. Is the template aesthetic up to date? Choose a clean, modern theme that allows for a static homepage, blog feed, and multiple pages. Websites with clean lines and whitespace age well—opt for timeless over trendy. Are your social links in the header and footer? Studies show that visitors often go to the homepage to find all of an author’s social media links in one clear place.
    Add social media links both above the fold on the homepage and in the footer of the site to appear on all pages for easy discovery. (The term “above the fold” comes from newspaper terminology and refers to what a visitor sees on a website before scrolling down.)
    Check the links to make sure they are linked correctly.
    Is there a copyright date in the footer that is out of date? Is your website connected with Google Analytics or a similar service? Subscribe to Google Analytics to monitor where people are coming into the site and what they are consuming. This is especially helpful as you direct people to your author website from social media, email marketing, and speaking events. Are there any broken links on your website pages or menu? Is your website easily navigable on mobile devices? What are the calls to action (CTAs) that a user is asked to do? Does the user know what they are supposed on each page and/or where to click next? How many clicks does it take to get where a user wants to go? While we don’t recommend using “infinite scroll” on any pages, scrolling down is often an easier way to find more information than clicking multiple links to get there. Does the website have a custom favicon matching the site’s branding? (The favicon is the icon in the browser tab.) Many websites still have the default WordPress or Squarespace logo. We recommend a custom favicon because it offers a level of professionalism and it can match your branding.
    Use an element from the new brand to create a Favicon for the site.

    Website: Home Page

    An effective site homepage should use clear and consistent branding (tagline, fonts, colors). Does the homepage feature a branded header image with your tagline (often called a “hero” image)?
    Consider having a branded “hero” image designed featuring your full name and tagline.
    Is your upcoming/recent book featured on your homepage?
    Is your homepage currently just blog posts? We recommend a static page: an informative homepage should include a series of sections teasing what visitors can find throughout the rest of the site as a way to help them fulfill their purpose in visiting the site. We recommend including teaser sections for your About page and Books page.

    Website: About Page

    The about page of an author’s site is typically the most trafficked page after the homepage. Do you have an About page?
    We recommend including a dedicated About page.
    Is the About page URL at /About, /About-Me, etc.? Does the About page include a headshot? Including an author headshot can establish credibility. Does the About page include a personal bio? Including a full bio can establish credibility. The About page is a good place to establish the relationship and connection between your writing and/or speaking and the topics you engage (ie: external links to places you have been published). Does the About page include a professional bio that can be copied and pasted for interviews? Are the bios current? Check references to employment, number of books published, ages of children, years married, or other information that may need to be updated. Does the About page include social links or a way to follow/contact you further? Invite visitors to the About page into further connection with you through your social media or a button linked to your Contact page.

    Website: Book Page

    Do you have a Books page on your website?
    We recommend including a dedicated Books page.
    Do you have multiple books?
    Do you have individual landing pages for each book? Does each book appear on a dropdown menu under Books?—in chronological order?
    Does each book landing page include covers, back cover copy, and links to purchase the book? Do you want to include video trailers or sharables? Are there other books you’ve contributed to/edited? You can include these further down on the overview Books page.

    Website: Blog

    Do you have a blog?
    Is your blog on a different website than your site (like Blogger or Substack)? Do you rely on a shared blog as your main digital home? Do you write posts/articles elsewhere that you could repost on your blog? Is your blog linked on your website menu? Are you still currently blogging?
    We recommend setting a consistent day and making sure readers can subscribe by email. We recommend renaming it to something evergreen like “Articles.” Avoid using a title that is “insider language” that could be confusing to a new visitor.
    Does each blog post include a featured image? is a great resource for free stock imagery. Are the posts sorted by category/topic? This can help readers find what they are looking. Do the posts include internal and external links? Are your posts shared across your platform via email list and social media?

    Website: Speaking Page

    Do you also do speaking engagements?
    Do you have a Speaking page on your website?
    We recommend including a dedicated Speaking page.
    Does your Speaking page include an image of you speaking, your topics, your availability, and testimonials? Do you want to include a calendar of upcoming events? Is there a way for people to book you for a speaking engagement? Even a link to a contact form can be good.

    Website: Contact Page

    Do you have a Contact page on your website?
    We recommend including a dedicated Contact page.
    Does the Contact page include a welcome message, social links, and a way to follow/contact you further?

    Website: Email Integration

    Do you have an email list?
    We recommend using an email service like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or Substack.
    How many email subscribers do you have? Is your email list signup available on your website? Many people think of popups as annoying. However, it's pretty standard/expected when visiting websites, and popups are effective at gathering email addresses. There's also often the ability for the website to "remember" when someone closed the popup so it won't keep showing then each time they visit the site (depending on how cookies are set up). Whether or not you implement a popup, make sure that the email signup is clear and visible to visitors without much scrolling down or looking around. Do you invite your readers to sign up for your email list on your social media channels? Do you offer a freemium to signup for your email list? Do you have an automated welcome email? Does the email come from How often do you send out newsletters?
    What is the open rate for your emails?

    Social Media


    Do you have a public Facebook account?
    Do you have a Facebook page (rather than profile)?
    We recommend the benefits of a public page.
    What is your Facebook handle? Does it include your name?
    Edit the Facebook page username. This will polish the Facebook page link and continue to help your SEO. See how to create and edit Facebook page usernames:
    Is your Facebook branded with your headshot and recent/upcoming book? Is your Facebook bio current?
    Does your Facebook bio mention your recent/upcoming book? Do you have a pinned Facebook post mentioning your recent/upcoming book?
    Does the About section of your Facebook page include your bio and link to your website? Does the About section of your Facebook page link to your Twitter and Instagram? Do your Facebook posts include images, links, and calls to action? Is your Facebook engagement reciprocated by your followers? Are you tracking Facebook analytics monthly? How many Facebook followers do you have? Is your Facebook linked to on your website?


    Do you have a public Instagram account?
    Do you have a professional/creator account? We recommend the benefits of a professional Instagram account.
    To gather insights on the account, we recommend switching from a personal profile to a business account:
    What is your Instagram handle? Does it include your name?
    Edit the Instagram page username. This will polish the Instagram page link and continue to help your SEO. See how to create and edit Instagram page usernames:
    Is your Instagram branded with your headshot and recent/upcoming book? Is your Instagram bio current?
    Does your Instagram bio mention your recent/upcoming book?
    Does your Instagram bio include a link to your website/LinkTree? Do your Instagram posts include behind-the-scenes images and appropriate hashtags? Do you use branded hashtags? Do your Instagram posts follow the Instagram “rules” for linking and hashtags? Is your Instagram engagement reciprocated by your followers? Are you tracking Instagram analytics monthly? How many Instagram followers do you have? Is your Instagram linked to on your website?


    Do you have a public Twitter account?
    What is your Twitter handle? Does it include your name?
    Edit the Twitter page username. This will polish the Twitter page link and continue to help your SEO. See how to create and edit Twitter page usernames:
    Is your Twitter branded with your headshot and recent/upcoming book? Is your Twitter bio current?
    Does your Twitter bio mention your recent/upcoming book?
    Does your Twitter bio include a link to your website? Do you have a pinned tweet mentioning your recent/upcoming book? Is your Twitter engagement reciprocated by your followers? Are you tracking Twitter analytics monthly? How many Twitter followers do you have? Is your Twitter linked to on your website?


    Do you have a public Pinterest account?
    What is your Pinterest handle? Does it include your name?
    Edit the Pinterest page username. This will polish the Pinterest page link and continue to help your SEO. See how to create and edit Pinterest page usernames:
    Is your Pinterest branded with your headshot? Is your Pinterest bio current?
    Is your Pinterest branded with your recent/upcoming book? Does your Pinterest bio mention your recent/upcoming book?
    Does your Pinterest bio include a link to your website? How many Pinterest followers do you have? Is your Pinterest linked to on your website?


    Do you have a YouTube account?
    What is your YouTube account URL? Does it include your name?
    We recommend updating the channel name to increase brand recognition and discoverability:
    Is your YouTube branded with your headshot? Is your YouTube bio current?
    Does your YouTube bio mention your recent/upcoming book?
    Does your YouTube bio include a link to your website? How many YouTube subscribers do you have? Is your YouTube linked to on your website?

    Social Media: Overview

    Are all your social handles matching? Do your social handles integrate your name rather than your current book title? Branding your name rather than a book title is more sustainable for future book releases.

    Other Platforms


    Do you have a podcast?
    What is the podcast link? Is the podcast linked to on your website? How many ratings/reviews does it have?

    Amazon Author Central

    Do you have an Amazon Author Central account?
    We recommend setting up an Amazon Author Central account to claim your books.
    What is your Amazon Author account URL?
    Is your Amazon Author page branded with your headshot and recent/upcoming book? Is your Amazon Author page bio current?
    Does your Amazon Author page bio mention your recent/upcoming book?
    Does your Amazon Author page bio include a link to your website? Have you claimed all your books on Amazon? Do you mention Amazon and ask for ratings/reviews on your social media? What keywords are tagged on your books? Send an update to your publisher if needed. Keeping on top of this helps SEO and metadata which is key for success on Amazon.


    Do you have a Goodreads author account?
    We recommend setting up a Goodreads account to claim your books.
    What is your Goodreads URL?
    Is your Goodreads Author page branded with your headshot and recent/upcoming book? Is your Goodreads Author page bio current?
    Does your Goodreads Author page bio mention your recent/upcoming book?
    Does your Goodreads Author page bio include a link to your website? Have you claimed all your books on Goodreads? Do you use Goodreads for book giveaways? Do you mention Goodreads and ask for ratings/reviews on your social media?


    Do a Google search for your name and your book title(s). When you Google your name, what comes up in the search engine results? Do “top of the fold” Google search results establish your legitimacy as an author in representation in digital spaces? How close is your site to the top? How about your social media platforms? Does the first page of search results show your legitimacy as an author? What about searching “Your Name Author” or “Your Name Books”? Have you claimed your Google search result knowledge panel? When searching for “FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” on Google, be sure to claim your knowledge panel and update any necessary information. What do people learn about you when they Google you?


    Do you have a consistent brand across all your accounts? If all a new visitor had to go off of was your platform, what would they know about you and your work? Does your community have a digital space to gather?